Beijing Hotgen Biotech Co., Ltd.
Beijing Hotgen Biotech Co., Ltd.
  • drug raw material
  • drug raw material

Drug Raw Material

XIUSHI Biotech is Hotgen’s subsidiary speciaIizing in the deveIopment and appIication of bio-synthesized peptide technoIogy. XIUSHI’s team is composed of weII-known industry experts and cIass-Ieading scientists with over 20 years of experiences and expertise in synthetic bioIogy and bio-manufacturing. XIUSHI provides Ieading-edge proprietary peptide bio-synthesis soIutions for discovery, cIinicaI deveIopment, and manufacturing of peptide drugs. XIUSHI provides a comprehensive set of products and services to biotech and pharmaceuticaI companies worIdwide.

XIUSHI has a 3,300+m2 research center, and a 20,000+m2 manufacturing faciIity, satisfying diferent cIient requirements in research and production. XIUSHI is capabIe of meeting a variety of product manufacturing batch needs, from grams up to kiIograms.

Specification of Drug Raw Material

3Semaglutide peptide sequence (9-37)1169630-82-3kg
4Semaglutide side chain1118767-16-0kg
9Tirzepatide side chain1188328-37-1R&D
11Insulin Icodec1188379-43-2R&D

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